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Author Topic: Trying to create an electronic fuel cut anti-thieft thingy  (Read 189 times)

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Offline sebadamus

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Trying to create an electronic fuel cut anti-thieft thingy
« on: March 11, 2024, 11:57:29 am »

I have been looking for some kind of electronic small device that works like a hidden push button/lever (on/off) that when you activate it, it will make the bike to shut-off (or better start failing) in customizable time (for i.e. 10 minutes afer activating it)

I know there are other alarm systems that works with your "presence", meaning that when you go away from your bike (i.e. some thief gets your bike you let him go, so when your remote control gets away from the bike for about 5 meters it will shutdown), this is not very usefull as thiefs here knows the way it works so the mofukrs comes back to get you head off :-p

So... the electronic thingy I pretend to create (because I dont think it is avaiable), I think it will have to be attached to on of the fuel injectors (if bike has two) so the behaviour after activating/enabling it X temporized time later... the bike will start to fail, making it impossible to continue (hoping the damn thief let the bike somewhere)

I know a thing or two about electronics so I can handle to create one, but I dont really know what to "cut", what would be a good wire to attach this device to the bike starts "strangely failing" when activated.

Hope to be clear with my explanation...


PS1: I also though about making the bike remotely explote, but will be kind of dangerous for me if "software fails"  ::)

PS2: yeah damn thiefs here, its a shame having to think about this.

Thanks to the bike I learnt that sometimes you have to look backwards to be able to go forwards, but not to the past, just to see that your friends are coming alright.

Offline RudeBoltin

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Re: Trying to create an electronic fuel cut anti-thieft thingy
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2024, 03:53:16 pm »
Maybe one of these for the fuel pump relay.
Can't start it, can't ride off with it.
Be safe and Bolt on.

Offline sebadamus

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Re: Trying to create an electronic fuel cut anti-thieft thingy
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2024, 09:16:09 pm »
Thanks for the link! great electronic stuff you share... didnt knew it exists.

The only problem here is that the damn thiefs came in duo (dirve/passenger) they follow you and make you stop, they might or might not point you with a gun (you dont want to test if they have or not) so you tend to full stop, the other bike passenger takes your bike... so the idea is not mainly for when your left the bike parked, its more when you get robbed riding.

The idea would be, touching a hidden button so a 5min temporized shutdown or failure happens (time enough to run away and call the police), as far as I read this is not recommended because safety driving measures.
Thanks to the bike I learnt that sometimes you have to look backwards to be able to go forwards, but not to the past, just to see that your friends are coming alright.